The SistemPav company in Melfi specializes in the design, construction and installation of industrial and civil flooring, resin treatments and coatings, paints, offering a high quality service and a product of guaranteed reliability over time.

Non-slip industrial floors

Non-slip industrial floors

The sectors for which they are ideal

To ensure safety in the workplace, especially in companies, it is necessary to use non-slip industrial floors. Movements using trolleys and forklifts, as well as the people who work within the company, must be safe, in compliance with the safety regulations currently in force.

A well-structured floor also significantly reduces the risk of accidents at work or damage to machines and structures. Recent surveys have shown that the main cause of accidents at work is represented by slips and falls (we are talking about 1 injury out of 4).

For this reason, in the design phase, it is essential to study the best solution to avoid the risk of accidental falls. A non-slip flooring is therefore essential in public and work places, thus becoming a risk prevention strategy.

The crucial aspect for choosing an industrial flooring must therefore be the evaluation of the slip resistance, an indispensable requirement for a surface to comply with the law. The element that allows us to understand the level of slipperiness is the friction coefficient: the lower it is, the lower the possibility of slipping falls.

If you want to use non-slip industrial flooring, you must exclude the resin one and opt for:

  • Concrete floors
  • Laser Screed floors

All these floor categories are suitable if you want to avoid slip injuries.